Graduate School Updates

Please continuously monitor our official websites for updates, recommendations, and support:

November 24

Dimensions of Wellness
Attention Everyone: Wellness is the integration of all dimensions of health - occupational, physical, social, intellectual, spiritual, and, emotional - and the awareness that all of these dimensions are interconnected. These dimensions are not meant to be exhaustive and some activities fall into more than one category (e.g. yoga is a physical activity that is deeply spiritual for some and can be a place where people find community). It is also important to recognize that what wellness looks like is heavily influenced by our current context as well as our histories, cultures and family backgrounds. There is no "one size fits all" approach to well-being. The Graduate Student Life and Wellness office lists many resources on

Graduate Student Webinar on Writing Proposals for International Dissertation Research Grants
Tuesday, December 8, 5-7PM
Attention Graduate Students: This free virtual webinar is open to all MSU graduate students—US and international —planning to write proposals for funding dissertation or pre-dissertation research abroad for deadlines in 2020 or 2021. Grants to be discussed include Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Grants, SSRC/ACLS International Dissertation Research Fellowships, NSF, and Ford Minority Fellowships. (Note that applicants for some grants must be US citizens or permanent residents.) More information and Zoom link at

November 20

Be a Presenter at the MSU Science Festival
Attention Faculty and Graduate Students: Proposals accepted through December 1, 2020. Share what inspires you about your field with public and school audiences.
The MSU Science Festival (April 1-30, 2021) is an amazing multi-day series of events for people of all ages to experience science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) through live presentations. Because of the uncertainty due to the coronavirus, the 2021 Festival will be online with synchronous events and some asynchronous experiences. More information and submission form at:

CSTAT Seminar “Design Matters”
Thursday, December 10, noon-1pm
Attention Faculty and Graduate Students: Link to free Zoom registration:
In this seminar we give a brief overview of some aspects of selected study designs. It is important to understand what sources of variation exist in your data and how your study design can address it. Threats to internal validity are measurement error, selection bias, imprecise estimation, confounding, missingness, and inappropriate analyses. Some design mistakes can be irremediable.

November 17

Update from Provost Woodruff on Academic Records
Attention Graduate Students: Please engage your advisors and/or graduate program directors about the S/NS grade reporting option in the Provost’s communication

Webinar TODAY on The Experiences of Postdoctoral Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Tuesday November 17, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EST
Attention Postdocs: In collaboration with L’Oréal USA, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will host a virtual gathering focused on the experiences of postdoctoral women in science during the COVID-19 pandemic, The event will feature a presentation on our current understanding of the many ways that COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the lives and careers of postdoctoral women in science followed by a moderated discussion with the 2020 L’Oréal For Women in Science Fellows about their experiences as postdocs during these unprecedented times. Learn more and register to attend:

American Association of University Women (AAUW) fellowship or grant
Attention Graduate Students: Women seeking to advance their academic or professional careers, or considering projects to promote education and equity for women and girls, are encouraged to apply for an American Association of University Women (AAUW) fellowship or grant. See information at

November 12

Season of GRADitude
Attention Everyone: The Graduate School is excited to announce an effort to celebrate this season and recognize graduate students’ hard work, talents, commitment, and the responsibilities they juggle. Starting Monday, November 16, MSU faculty, staff and students are invited to share a story about an MSU graduate student and why they are grateful for them. The MSU community is invited to vote on the story that most speaks to them. The top five stories with the most votes will be celebrated! The nominator and the student will receive a $50 cash prize. Please see the Graduate School’s home page on Starting Monday, November 16 for more information!

International Graduate Admissions
Attention Graduate departments: Fall 2021 international applicants are expected to make every effort to request official, hardcopies of their academic records in official, sealed, unopened envelopes. These should be mailed directly to MSU. Please note there is still ample time between now and summer for international applicants to submit their completed applications, and work with their previous universities to send official academic records. If applicants run into difficulties after making efforts to secure official documents, the Office of Admissions will explore accepting unofficial records on a case-by-case basis, with the expectation that official records will be provided at a later date.

Call for Application for the Transdisciplinary Graduate Fellows Program (TGFP)
Attention Master’s and Doctoral students: The TGFP provides teams of graduate students from different disciplines the opportunity to work with a community partner on a consequential problem while receiving training in transdisciplinary team research practice from the MSU Center for Interdisciplinarity. By creating a community of practice involving university and community partners, the TGFP aims to train future transdisciplinary research leaders. Deadline for all applications is November 30, 2020. Please see for more information.

November 10

Show your appreciation for educators with #iteachmsu!
Attention Everyone: As you might have heard in a message from the Hub for Innovation in Learning and Technology, we'd like to take the start of November as a moment to remind you of an opportunity to give thanks for the MSU educators who you've witnessed make an impact. The ask is simple. Fill out the form on to recognize an educator you know. You'll be asked for some brief information about the educator you’re recognizing (name, netID, role, etc.) along with a short story of why they should be celebrated for their educator efforts. They’ll use the information provided to send them a note of gratitude via email! These messages are shared on a regular basis with #iteachmsu Educator Award being shared at the end of the academic year.

6 Weeks until Fall 2020 Thesis and Dissertation deadline
Attention Graduating Plan A Master’s and Ph.D. students: The deadline for FINAL APPROVAL of an electronic Thesis or Dissertation by the Graduate School is Friday, December 18, 2020 at 5:00 PM. To accept a document for publishing on or before the deadline means that the student’s document has been reviewed by a graduate school employee, the document has been determined to be formatted correctly AND all required paperwork has been turned in to the Graduate School PRIOR TO the deadline date and time. Deadline day is not just the day that the document is to be submitted via ProQuest for the first time. It is the day where all of the requirements must be completed. Chances are, if a document is submitted on deadline day for the first time, the document will most likely be accepted for Spring graduation instead of Fall. Additional information at

MSU’s 4th Annual Social Justice Art Festival - Call for Submissions
Save the Date: Monday, January 18-Thursday, 22, 2021
Attention Graduate and Undergraduate Students: Call for Submissions is now open for the 4th Annual Social Justice Art Festival which is being held virtually. The committee is looking to showcase all modes of art including visual art (photography, painting, video/film, etc.) and performance art (poetry, theatrical, musical, etc.). If you know undergraduate and/or graduate students who would like their art to be featured at the festival, please ask them to submit their work HERE by 11:59 PM on November 20, 2020. This event is hosted by James Madison College and the Residential College in the Arts and Humanities. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact the organizer, Amber Benton, at Additional information at

CSTAT Seminars and Workshops for Graduate students
Attention Graduate Students: CSTAT is offering two workshops for Embracing Open Science Practices: Grad Students' Perspectives on November 19 and Health Care Claims on November 20. Please click on the link for additional information and registration information.

November 5

Survey about the Housing Needs of Graduate Students and Postdocs
Attention Graduate Students and Postdocs: MSU Auxiliary Enterprises is conducting a survey which is part of a housing market demand analysis that will help to determine demand for housing in a future Spartan Village redevelopment. The survey will help MSU to understand your housing experience, preferences, and potential options that the University should consider for the project. The survey is being administered by JLL, an internationally recognized real estate advisory firm retained to assist us with this effort. The survey should take 5-8 minutes. Please make time to take the survey even if you do not foresee a personal need for on-campus housing. If you have any questions about this survey or the housing demand study, please contact Dr. Erin Carter in MSU Auxiliary Enterprises.

Note from the Office of Admissions
Attention Graduate Departments: A reminder that the Office of Admissions is temporarily accepting Duolingo, TOEFL iBT home edition, and IELTS indicator tests for Fall 2021 international graduate applicants impacted by test center closures.

Fellowship Opportunities for Graduate Students

  • Carol and Michael LeMense Family Endowed Graduate Fellowship: Applicants will have graduated from a US public high school; pursuing a degree in the following disciplines: Education, Healthcare, or Engineering. Applications are due by November 20, 2020. Read more and access application form at:
  • Barbara Stewart Thomas and Jim Thomas Graduate Fellowship: Applicants can graduate students in any discipline and have a commitment to fighting society's "isms" - including sexism, racism, and ageism. Applications are due by November 20, 2020. Read more and access application form at: /OLDthomas 
  • COGS Disciplinary Leadership Award: COGS established this endowment to recognize disciplinary leadership by graduate and grad-professional students. Graduate students regularly enrolled in a graduate or grad-professional program and who are in good standing in their programs may apply. Faculty or others are encouraged to nominate a graduate student. Applications are due by November 20, 2020. Read more and access application form at: /OLDcogs 
  • Theodore Roosevelt Conservation and Environmental Leadership Fellowship: This award provides an opportunity for graduate or professional students to participate in experiential workshops or programs that will prepare them for leadership roles related to conservation of our natural and environmental resources. Applications are due Tuesday, December 15, 2020. Read more and apply here.

As always, thanks so much for your dedication and creativity in these circumstances. Please stay healthy and well!

Thomas D. Jeitschko
Dean of the Graduate School and Associate Provost for Graduate Education
Phone: (517) 353-3220