Every Wednesday from Noon to 1pm (until June 24)
Zoom Meeting ID: https://msu.zoom.us/j/732599810
Password: GTAsTeach
Graduate Teaching Assistants, you are doing incredible work and many of you have developed teaching strategies, worked with new technology, have found new and innovative ways to run your labs, your recitations, and facilitate learning for teaching remotely.
We would like to have a Lunch and Learn every Wednesday at noon to learn new pedagogy, new teaching strategies, ask Questions and/or discuss brief education articles (no longer than five pages). This is a place to share with Graduate Teaching Assistants and anyone interested in becoming one some great teaching ideas.
Please register at the link below. In the ‘Comments’ field please indicate if you would like to share a teaching practice, part of a lesson, lab section, or an idea used as a recitation leader. Please also indicate the approximate time needed for your presentation.