New Graduate Program Directors
This virtual orientation session for new graduate program directors will provide an interactive format for networking and developing strategies for working effectively in the current environment and beyond. The orientation will start with a panel of experienced program directors talking about their most effective initiatives, what challenges they faced last spring, and what has worked well for navigating pandemic campus conditions. In the 2nd hour, participants will be working in smaller groups on problem-solving strategies, with an opportunity to learn about support structures throughout MSU and relevant policies and procedures. After the orientation formally closes, Graduate School staff will be available for an additional 30-minute virtual “open house” for additional questions and conversation. This session is for graduate program directors who are new to their role. Registration is required.
9:00 a.m.
Dean’s welcome, Thomas D. Jeitschko
Roles, responsibilities, and challenges in the time of COVID, Graduate Program Director Panelists (Zarena Aslami, English; Diane Ebert-May, Plant Biology; Kirsten Tollefson, Physics & Astronomy)
10:00 a.m. Break
10:05 a.m. What do I do now? Scenarios (breakouts. group discussion)
11:00 a.m. End of formal program
11-11:30 a.m. Graduate School open office hours
Informal conversation time to meet the Dean and Associate Deans, ask questions, bring up issues