Welcome Graduate Students and Post-docs

The Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) at Michigan State University (MSU) was started with funding from the National Science Foundation. MSU AGEP supports recruitment, retention, and graduation of underrepresented U. S. minorities in doctoral programs of the natural and social sciences, mathematics, and engineering. Graduate students, post-docs and faculty who participate in building the AGEP Community at MSU will provide a key to changing the culture of U. S. colleges and universities to embrace building world-class STEM and SBE faculties who fully reflect the diversity in race, gender, culture and intellectual talent of the U. S. population. To be in the loop regarding Learning Community Meetings, career opportunities and other astounding events, Join our Mailing List!

Upcoming Events

Learning Community Meetings

The Learning Community is an informal environment where students from varying disciplines can gather, share their research in a 10-minute presentation, or discover that their graduate toils are not unusual. Those in attendance are privy to information regarding fellowships, career opportunities, even summer internships, pertaining to the group. Faculty and assistant deans of The Graduate School are often spotted in the meetings, always receptive to questions and innovative suggestions. Food will be provided! Check out our dates for 2023-2024. To sign-up to give a presentation, click here:

AGEP Student Success Conference

The AGEP Student Success Conference October 3-5, 2024, features interactive tracks that explore different stages of the Ph.D. journey and faculty career development including starting with applying to graduate school. This activity is most appropriate for undergraduate students nearing the graduate school application process, graduate students at all levels of their respective programs, and faculty looking to advance their mentoring skills. This year, the conference will have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cash prizes for the best presenters (oral and poster) for the undergraduate and graduate student/post-doc divisions

Science Today Bulletin

The purpose of this peer-reviewed scholarly publication is to highlight rigorous, and innovative scholarly research conducted by members of the Michigan State University AGEP community.

Supplemental Funding

Check the additional funding through The National Science Foundation (NSF) Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS).

AGEP Scholar Award

The AGEP Scholar Award is an annual fellowship that supports research and professional travel and provides access to faculty career and professional development programs both locally and nationally.

GRFP Workshop

Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Workshop Series

Membership Testimonials

Look through our postings on YouTube and see what our members have been saying about AGEP.

Graduate School Survival Guide

Sign-up to receive an electronic copy of the 2022 MSU AGEP Graduate School Survival Guide.

Global Impact of Higher Education Speaker Series

Join the MSU AGEP Learning Community during our upcoming hybrid Global Impact of Higher Education Speaker Series!

Science Ethics & Engagement Fellows Program discussion

Join the MSU AGEP Learning Community during our upcoming hybrid Science Ethics & Engagement Fellows Program discussion!

Contact Us

MSU AGEP Program
Chittenden Hall Room 130 E
466 W Circle Drive
East Lansing, MI 48825
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