A council known as CORRAGE (Council on the Review of Research and Graduate Education) recommended a near- reinvention of postgraduate education at Michigan State University: the establishment of a unified Graduate School that would oversee graduate education across MSU’s diverse colleges.
Thus, the Graduate School was established in 1994. Dr. Gary Crawley (chair of CORRAGE) became the first dean. The Graduate School was housed in Linton Hall.
Dr. Karen Klomparens became the second dean of the Graduate School. During her seventeen-year term, the Graduate School was instrumental in establishing college-specific guidelines regarding curriculum, determination of research authorship, and mentoring. She was also instrumental in getting the physical home of the Graduate school moved to Chittenden Hall.
Dr. Judith Stoddart served as interim dean for two years.
Our fourth dean, Dr. Thomas Jeitschko took the Graduate School through a strategic planning process that redefined the vision and mission of the Graduate School.
In 2019, we celebrated our 25th anniversary with various celebrations and a commentative publication.
In 2022, Dr. Pero Dagbovie became the fifth dean of the Graduate School.