If a teaching assistant suspects a student of plagiarism or any other type of academic dishonesty, he or she should consult with the instructor of record for the course. MSU has an
Integrity of Scholarship and Grades Policy and the
Protection of Scholarship and Grades Policy. The Office of the Ombudsman at MSU has a nice summary of
MSU’s definition of “cheating”.
A growing problem at MSU is the use of electronic devices to facilitate cheating. TAs, in consultation with their instructor of record, should consider delivering this message to their students: “Please turn off, not place on silent, any electronic devices including cell phones, PDAs, iPads, etc. If it has a power button it needs to be turned off. Also please remove any watches, Bluetooth earpieces, or any other electronic devices you might be wearing.” If you and your Instructor of Record utilize TurnitIn in your course, MSU recommends language to put in your syllabus.