MSU SROP participants are required to produce the following:
Research Prospectus (Abstract)
After receiving guidance from their research mentors and research teammates, participants are required to submit a prospectus (or abstract) of their research project. This prospectus will serve as the basis for the student’s summer program as well as help keep the student on track with what they need to complete for their project.
Research Paper
Participants must submit a clear and concise research paper for successful completion of MSU SROP. This paper must effectively present the finding of participants’ research, supported by relevant methods and literature. This paper is due on the last day of the program.
Research Poster
A strategically planned and concise research poster must be developed for successful completion of MSU SROP. MSU SROP participants are required to present this poster at the MidSURE Conference.
Closing Presentations
Participants are required to do a 10 minute oral research presentation to successfully complete MSU SROP.
Personal Statement
Participants are required to draft a basic personal statement that can be transferable to multiple institutions at the time of the graduate application process.
Undergraduate students should begin to develop a resume that details the accomplishments in their rising careers. MSU SROP participants are required to submit an updated version of their resume before they campus. It is beneficial to all program participants to have an initial draft of their resume prior to arriving to the program.
Project Infographic
To companies, non-profit organizations to universities, using infographics to communicate information is becoming more popular and mainstream. Knowing how to create effective infographics will help make students into sophisticated scholars. Each student will make project infographic based on the background topic of their summer research project.