External Funding

Out-of-State Tuition Waivers

There are a limited number of out-of-state tuition waivers awarded to graduate students who receive externally-funded fellowships to support their own research.  Fellowships must meet the minimum stipend rate of $24,000 annually. Students must be nominated by their colleges for available slots. For more information see Out-of-State Tuition Waiver for External Fellowships.

Institutionally Limited Application Procedure

Graduate students: Please contact the Graduate School office for more information or to receive approval to move forward with an application.

External Agencies

External agencies (for example, NSF, NIH, USDA) provide funding for graduate students. Here are a few links to external fellowships that many MSU graduate students have.

Finding External Fellowships

This page includes links to databases and/or grantmaker organizations. You will need to search through the information to find a fellowship that will suit your needs. Please pay attention to the deadline date.