- Office of Research & Innovation - Finding Funding Information
- MSU Library - Grants and Related Funding Resources - Anita Ezzo - MSU Librarian
- Office of Financial Aid
- Programs of Study Browse the list of MSU Colleges, Departments, and Programs
- Graduate Degree List Graduate degrees offered by Michigan State University
- Research Integrity Guidelines that recognize the rights and responsibilities of researchers
- Online Programs Find all relevant pre-application information for all of MSU’s online and hybrid degree and certificate programs
- Graduate Specializations A subdivision of a major for specialized study which is indicated after the major on official transcripts
- Graduate Certificates Non-degree-granting programs to expand student knowledge and understanding about a key topic
- Interdisciplinary Graduate Study Curricular and co-curricular opportunities for advanced study that crosses disciplinary boundaries
- Theses and Dissertations Doctoral and Plan A document submission process
Professional Development
- The Edward A. Bouchet Graduate Honor Society (BGHS) A national network society for students who have traditionally been underrepresented
- Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) A gateway to graduate education at Big Ten Academic Alliance universities
- Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) A community that supports retention, and graduation of underrepresented doctoral students
Grad Student Life
- Grad School Office of Well-Being Collaborates with graduate students in their pursuit of their advanced degree and a well-balanced life
- Housing and Living in MI MSU has an on and off-campus housing site to help find the perfect place to stay
- Mental Health Support MSU has several offices and systems to provide students with the mental health support that they need
- Spouse and Family Resources MSU recognizes that students with families have responsibilities that present challenges unique to this population
- Health Insurance Health insurance info for graduate student assistants and students in general at MSU
- Safety and Security MSU is committed to cultivating a safe and inclusive campus community characterized by a culture of safety and respect
- About Us