SUTL Publications

Presentations (talk or poster) from participants work:

*SUTL Faculty Mentors are in bold. Graduate Fellows are underlined.

  1. Record, I. (2021) “Make the students do the work”: Designing a new space for learning HPS” Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Science Annual Meeting, Edmonton, Canada.

  2. Charenko, M. & Nazmy, H. (2021) Exploring Team Adaptive Performance through a Cooperative Board Game: Pandemic Legacy. Spring Conference on Student Learning and Success, Michigan State University.

  3. Kirby, K., Fleming-Davis, A. & White, P. J. T. (2019) Figure of the Day: an enjoyable classroom activity that improves students' figure creation skills. Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research. Minneapolis, MN.

  4. Masani, S. (2019) Exams as learning opportunities: Using assessment corrections to enhance meaningful learning and reflection. STEM Teaching Essentials Workshop Series, Michigan State University.

  5. Sweeder, R. D., Kursav, M. N., Cass, S. M. F. & Matz, B. (2019) INQUIRE: Supporting students with low math placement in Lyman Briggs. Gordon Research Conference in Chemistry Education Research & Practice, Lewiston, ME.

  6. Sweeder, R. D., Kursav, M. N., Cass, S. M. F. & Matz, B. (2019) INQUIRE: Supporting students with low math placement in Lyman Briggs. Spring Conference on Student Learning and Success, Michigan State University.

  7. White, P., Kirby, C., & Fleming-Davies, A. (2019). The Figure of the Day: an in-class activity to improve students’ quantitative literacy and data interpretation skills. 

  8. Bae, Y., Tunstall, S. L., Knowles, K. S., & Matz, R. L. (2019). Alignment Between Learning Objectives and Assessments in a Quantitative Literacy Course. National Numeracy Network (NNN) Annual Meeting, October 13, Austin, TX.

  9. Menchik, D. & Komosinski, B. (2018) Acting as neither individual nor professional: Physicians’ constitutive ambivalence in adopting complex technologies. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PE.

  10. Record, I. (2018) Teaching HPS Roundtable. History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, OR.

  11. Bae, Y., Tunstall, S. L., Knowles, K. S., & Matz, R. L. (2018). Assessing A Newly-Developed Quantitative Literacy Course at Michigan State University. STEM Alliance Fall Reception, Michigan State University, September 13, East Lansing, MI.

  12. Weller, D., Hinko, K., & Sawtelle, V. (2018). Investigating Complementary Computational and Empirical Activities for Students Learning Diffusion. IPhysics Education Research Conference, Washington, D.C.

  13. Tunstall, S. L., Nair, A., Hinko, K. A., Irving P. W. & Sawtelle, V. (2017) Understanding life science majors’ ideas about diffusion. Physics Education Research Conference, Cincinnati, OH.

Publications by participants:

*SUTL Faculty Mentors are in bold. Graduate Fellows are underlined.

  1. Singer, A., C.K. Kirby, and E. Rappolee. In press. “Fight back against the zombies”: Fictional and non-fictional readings in climate change education. Journal of College Science Teaching.

  2. Kursav, M., Hos, R., D. Sweeder, R., & Valles, S. A. (2022). Mind the Gap: Understanding the Disconnect Between Student Services Offered and Used. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 54(3), 40–47.

  3. White, P., Masani, S., Shuster, S., & Wonderlin, N. (2021). Ditch gendered terminology for cell division. Nature, 599(7886), 556–556.

  4. Sweeder, R. Kursav, M. N. & Valles, S. A. (2021). A Cohort Scholarship Program that Reduces Inequities in STEM retention. Journal of STEM Education. 22, 1.

  5. Kursav, M., Sweeder, R., & Valles, S. “Mechanisms of STEM retention: Lessons from Longitudinal Interview Data from High-risk Students”, in preparation.

  6. Singer, A., Montgomery, G. & Schmoll, S. (2020) How to foster the formation of STEM identity: Studying diversity in an authentic learning environment. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 7, 57.

  7. Lehpamer, N. & Menchik, D. (under review) Learning to see: How doing ethnography in one- vs. two-semester courses differently shapes students’ understanding of social processes. Teaching Sociology.

  8. Kirby, C. K., Fleming-Davies, A. & White, P. J. T. (2019). The Figure of the Day: A Classroom Activity to Improve Students' Figure Creation Skills in Biology. The American Biology Teacher, 81(5), 317-325.

  9. Bae, Y., Tunstall, S. L., Knowles, K. S., & Matz, R. L. (2019). Alignment Between Learning Objectives and Assessments in a Quantitative Literacy Course. Numeracy, 12(2), 10.

  10. Sweeder, R., Kursav, M. N., Cass, S. M. F. & Matz, B. (2019). Understanding the impact of learning community support for STEM students with low mathematics placement. Learning Communities Research and Practice 7 (2), Article 2. 

  11. Weller, D.P., Hinko, K. A., & Sawtelle, V. (2019). Investigating complementary computational and empirical activities for students learning diffusion. 2018 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings [Washington, DC, August 1-2, 2018], edited by A. Traxler, Y. Cao, and S. Wolf, doi:10.1119/

  12. Higley, C., Elliott, K. C. & Cheruvelil, J.J. (2018). Improving student reading comprehension through editorship. Teaching in Higher Education, 1-15.

  13. Tunstall, S. L., Nair, A., Hinko, K., Irving, P., & Sawtelle, V. (2017). Understanding life science majors ’ ideas about diffusion. 2017 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings [Cincinnati, OH, July 26-27, 2017], edited by L. Ding, A. Traxler, and Y. Cao, doi:10.1119/