Deans, Department Chairs, Graduate Students

Nominations are being accepted for the 2024 MAGS Excellence in Teaching Award competition. This Teaching Award is very competitive, so we are looking for exceptional PhD and Master’s students with great demonstration of teaching competence and knowledge of pedagogy, innovative teaching/instructional design, and effective mentoring skills and commitment to teaching professional development as outlined in the documents here: 

The Nomination Process is as follows: 

Preselection Checklist:

  • Evidence of Excellence in Teaching (incl. evaluations), and/or a university, departmental or other teaching award 
  • Evidence of Instructional Design for improved student learning (incl. Assessment) 
  • Evidence of Effective Mentoring (various levels) 
  • Evidence of Professional Development (CCT, GTA Workshops, Dept. Workshops, Teaching Fellowships incl. Teaching Projects, etc.) 
  • Photos, video footage, etc., to demonstrate student engagement & learning) 

Please review the detailed Evaluation Criteria here: MAGS Teaching Excellence Evaluation Criteria

If you intend to nominate a Graduate Student who meets the criteria above, please contact Dr. Stefanie Baier at referring to the checklist. 

Compilation of materials and final nominations: 

  1. Nominators complete nomination packets together with the nominees on or before December 30, 2023, and send these to Dr. Stefanie Baier:
  2. An Ad Hoc committee (tbd) will review the nomination packages based on the specified criteria including a 10-minute teaching-in-action video and check for completion. (See
  3. One Master's and one PhD student will be selected, and nominators will be notified of the status of the applications by January 6, 2024 with comments and recommendations. 
  4. The Graduate School will submit the final application packets to MAGS on January 15, 2024

We know there are amazing graduate educators at MSU, and we look forward to having these enter the award competition. For any questions, please e-mail Dr. Stefanie Baier at