This event is part of the 2023 Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration Series
The Science of Team Science (the study of science teams and their functioning) and team science (the collaborative engagements of multiple disciplines) have, since the early 21st century, contributed to new outlooks, processes, and expectations for industry, human wellbeing, and scholarly pursuits.
Through the lenses of psychology, management, social psychology, anthropology, and sociology, the study of teams in the last quarter of a century can inform best practices for the work that both academics and laborers do. How does knowledge about teaming impact the modern university that seeks to grow students to be more suited for the changing landscape of the global stage and its most complex of problems?
Higher education is faced with a new paradigm that not only prepares students to be experts in a chosen discipline but also requires them to be able to work in a new information and collaborative age, where skills and competencies that foster cross-disciplinary engagement and problem solving will be the foundation for global impact.
RCR credit: 1 hour
Light refreshments will be served.