Graduate Students, Postdocs, Staff, and Faculty

The MSU Graduate School, in collaboration with the Office of Research & Innovation and the Office of University Outreach & Engagement, is hosting the Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration Series, being held from Saturday, April 1 through Wednesday, April 5.
This series is designed to celebrate collaboration across research disciplines and amplify MSU’s existing strengths in cross-disciplinarity with events specially designed for graduate students and post-doctoral scholars, faculty and staff, and administrators. Across four days in April, Dr. Gaetano Lotrecchiano will join MSU as a visiting fellow of team scholarship.
Collaboration Summit - 4/1/23
Invest in your collaboration skills while learning from colleagues across campus at this half-day summit. Dr. Lotrecchiano will open with a keynote and interactive work covering “Seven Things to Know about Team Work.”
After lunch, we will explore how people in different fields navigate common collaboration challenges through a panel discussion and audience engagement. Participants will gain awareness of best practices from the collaboration literature and from collected experience and begin applying these insights to their own work.
Campus Keynote: “The Science of Team Science and Global Impact in Higher Education” by Gaetano R. Lotrecchiano, Ed.D., Ph.D. - 4/3/23
The science of team science (the study of science teams and their functioning) and the actual collaboration of teams within a scientific setting have, since the early 21st century, contributed to new outlooks, processes, and expectations for industry, human wellbeing, and scholarly pursuits.
Through the lenses of psychology, management, social psychology, anthropology, and sociology, the study of teams in the last quarter of a century can inform best practices for the work that both academics and laborers do. How does knowledge about teaming impact the modern university that seeks to grow students to be more suited for the changing landscape of the global stage and its most complex of problems? Higher education is faced with a new paradigm that not only prepares students to be experts in a chosen discipline but also requires them to be able to work in a new information and collaborative age, where skills and competencies that foster cross-disciplinary engagement and problem solving will be the foundation for global impact.
About Gaetano R. Lotrecchiano