This one-hour workshop is designed for Plan A Master’s students and all Doctoral students who intend to graduate within the next two semesters. During this workshop students will receive information regarding the following:
How to format their thesis or dissertation correctly
How to successfully submit their thesis or dissertation via ProQuest/UMI
How to successfully submit required paperwork, complete their degree requirements, and receive their diploma.
Students are encouraged to review the Graduate School's Electronic Thesis and Dissertation website at where current information about formatting and requirements is listed prior to attending the workshop.
This workshop is offered every semester, including Summer Semester.
Registration is required.
Of the students who attended the Summer workshop and submitted in the summer, 50% of those students successfully formatted their documents with only two interactions with the Graduate School. A typical student has four (or more) interactions with the Graduate School before successfully formatting. This workshop is beneficial!
Can't attend the workshop in person? Join us on Zoom!
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