MSU will accept unofficial international transcripts and diplomas for graduate admissions processing purposes for Spring, Summer, and Fall 2025 semesters.
Graduate applicants who apply and are admitted based on unofficial international records will have future dated holds placed on their accounts. The expectation is that they will work to have official, hardcopies of their academic records sent to MSU in official, sealed envelopes during their first semester of enrollment.
Departments are encouraged to have all international academic records on file in the Admissions Office no later than early November, to ensure admitted students have ample time for visa processing, travel arrangements, etc.
Flexibility will be exercised on a case-by-case basis. Graduate departments and impacted students will need to work with the Office of Admissions to resolve these cases in a timely fashion.
Applicants are encouraged to make every effort to provide official, hardcopy, transcripts and diplomas up front in official, sealed envelopes, as part of the application process, to avoid challenges later.
For Spring, Summer, and Fall 2025, international graduate applicants may apply using official academic records or unofficial academic records. If admitted with unofficial records, official hardcopies of their international transcripts and diplomas will need to be provided no later than February 14th for Spring, June 13th for Summer, and September 26th for Fall 2025 enrollees. Holds will be placed on their accounts at the time of admission, to help ensure official records are received.
Flexibility will be exercised on a case-by-case basis and may include the acceptance of official electronic academic records. Graduate departments and impacted students will need to work with the Office of Admissions to resolve these cases in a timely fashion.
The Office of Admissions will send an email via the Graduate School Listserv, reminding departments they need to work with their impacted students to ensure their final, official, international academic records (transcripts and diplomas, and any relevant official translations) are on file with the Office of Admissions by the deadline. Again, flexibility will be explored on a case-by-case basis.
On March 14th for Spring 2024, July 13th for Summer 2024, and October 26th for Fall 2025, the Office of Admissions will provide the relevant departments a list of impacted students who have yet to comply with the deadline. The Office of Admissions will work with departments case-by-case, as appropriate, and determine if extra time or additional flexibility is warranted.
On April 14th for Spring 2024, August 13th for Summer 2024, and November 26th for Fall 2025, the Office of Admissions will notify the Graduate School, recommending disenrollment of any student who has not met the deadlines or granted a deadline exception. If disenrollment is permitted by the Graduate School, the Graduate School will inform the Office of the Registrar to take relevant action for all future semesters.
Leahy & Irrer, Office of Admissions
September, 2024