Dr. Rique Campa

Dr. Rique Campa, Associate Dean

Dr. Rique Campa, Senior Associate Dean and Professor in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
NSF-Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL)-MSU Institutional Leader, FAST (Future Academic Scholars in Teaching) Fellowship Program Director, Co-coordinator career and professional development, including the Certification in College Teaching
Phone: 517-432-7340

Henry (Rique) Campa, III, Ph.D. is a Senior Associate Dean in the Graduate School and a Professor of Wildlife Ecology in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Michigan State University (MSU).  In his roles in the Graduate School, he develops, implements, and evaluates career and professional development programs.  In addition, he also directs activities and grants at MSU associated with the CIRTL (Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning) Network including the FAST (Future Academic Scholars in Teaching) Fellowship Program and the NIH-funded national Postdoc Academy.  Dr. Campa’s disciplinary research interests are in the areas of wildlife-habitat relationships, ecosystem management, effects of disturbances on wildlife, and the career and professional development associated with graduate education.  Since 1990, he has generated approximately $21M in research funding.  Dr. Campa has conducted ecological research throughout the U.S. and in Kenya and Nepal.  Before coming to MSU, Dr. Campa worked for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as a Wildlife Biologist and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources as a Wildlife Research Biologist.  Dr. Campa has served in leadership positions for The Wildlife Society (TWS) at the national, regional, and state levels and is a Certified Wildlife Biologist® with TWS.  He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses and has taught study abroad courses in Kenya and the Bahamas.  At MSU, he has been awarded a Lilly Teaching Fellowship, the MSU Teacher-Scholar Award, the Excellence in Teaching-Established Teacher Award from the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) and the CANR Distinguished Faculty Award.  In 2004, Dr. Campa was selected as an “exemplary teaching professor” to participate in the National Case Study of Learner-Centered Approaches in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources.  In 2011, he received TWS’s Excellence in Wildlife Education Award and was selected as a Wildlife Society Fellow in “recognition of exceptional service”.  In 2015, Dr. Campa was awarded the Teaching Award of Merit from the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture.