Neogen Land Grant Prize

Graduate Students

The Office of Research & Innovation announces a new award program, the Neogen Land Grant Prize. Funded by a gift from former Provost and Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies Dr. John E. Cantlon and his wife Carolyne Irene Cantlon, this endowed award program seeks to advance the work of an MSU graduate student whose research has the potential to contribute to economic and scientific improvements in society, with a promise of practical applications that benefit U.S. economic interests.

Applicants must be MSU graduate students in good standing. The research leading to the proposed work should be ongoing or have been completed in the last five years. The application must be written by, and support the proposed work of, the applicant graduate student; the student’s research mentor must write a letter of support, describing their significant commitments to foster and nurture the proposed line of study.

One (1) Prize in the amount thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) will be awarded annually. The use of funds will be restricted to direct costs of research excluding salary or stipends. These can include supplies and services, prototype development, market studies, and other reasonably related activities (such as conference travel or publication expenses). The proposed work should occur over the period of six months to a year. Extension to the spending period (without a commitment of additional funds) may be requested for an additional year, after which unspent funds will be returned to the endowment.

We encourage you to consider this program to support your ambitions to make a difference in the world. Guidelines and instructions can be found within the online application system ( If you have any questions after reviewing the Neogen Land Grant Prize website, contact us at: or 517-432-3773.

The Neogen Land Grant Prize submission deadline is Thursday, September 16, 2021. An award will be announced in late November with funds available January 3, 2022.