Graduate School Website Redesign Focus Groups


GAADs, Graduate Program Directors, Graduate Program Assistants, and Graduate Students

Throughout the calendar year, the Graduate School’s website,, will be undergoing a redesign. As major stakeholders of the graduate experience at MSU, and as significant users of our website, we are inviting you to participate in a focus group that will help determine how the new website will function.

Event details

There will be three separate focus groups, one for each stakeholder group (GAADs, GPDs/GPAs, and Graduate Students). Approximately 12 people will be chosen for each focus group. If there is a large amount of interest, additional focus groups may be scheduled.

Times and Location:

  • GAADs: March 21 from 2 to 3:30 p.m.
  • Grad Students: March 22 from 2 to 3:30 p.m.
  • GPDs/GPAs: March 23 from 10:30 a.m. to noon.

All focus groups will be held in the Commons area in the basement of Chittenden Hall.

Food and refreshments will be served during the event, and graduate students will be able to choose from various prizes as a thank-you for their input.

Participants will be asked a series of questions that will touch on the following topics:

  • How you currently use the Graduate School website
  • What is good/bad about the current site
  • What you would like to see in a new version
  • Questions based on site use data from our team
  • & more

How do I volunteer for the group?

You can volunteer to participate in the focus group by filling out this form. Please note, if there is a large pool of applicants not everyone will be selected for the group. If you are chosen as a participant, you will receive an email from inviting you to participate in the focus group.

We value your feedback and look forward to working with the volunteers to enhance the experience of our website users.