New MSU Destination Survey

Master's and Doctoral Students

We are excited to announce a new destination survey for all MSU students including graduate students hosted by MSU Career Services that will offer many powerful features. First, students and programs will have the ability to track aggregate destination outcomes for all MSU students. Second, these outcomes will not only include placement information after graduation but also experiences such as internships, volunteer experiences, or leadership programs while still a student at MSU.

What does this mean for your graduate students? For master’s students, we will be aligning with the platform being implemented for undergraduates. For doctoral students, their exit survey experience stays largely the same because the current doctoral student exit survey captures additional information about graduating student experiences in addition to placement information. More precisely, for those that are interested:

  • Master’s students: They will no longer receive periodic emails to fill out a Destination Survey from an email address with the survey link to an URL after they apply for graduation. Instead, they will receive periodic emails (and possibly other messages) from a Career Services team member encouraging them to go to to enter experiences and their initial status after graduation.
  • Doctoral students: They will continue to receive periodic emails to fill out a Destination Survey from an email address with the survey link to an URL after they apply for graduation until they complete the survey. They may also receive some periodic emails (and possibly other messages) from a Career Services team member encouraging them to go to to enter experiences and their initial status after graduation.