Writing Your Diversity Statement

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm

Many jobs, especially academic positions, ask students to submit a “diversity statement” with their application materials. Many job seekers, unfortunately, treat such a document as an afterthought, when in fact it is a powerful opportunity to talk about your goals, values, and the kind of faculty member or academic leader you aspire to be.  

In this session, Kayon Hall (HALE) will walk you through the process of understanding what is expected in a strong diversity statement and help you clarify the values you will highlight in your own diversity statement. At the end of this session, you will have a draft document that you can confidently refine, knowing it represents you well.  

Presenter Bio: Kayon Hall is a PhD candidate in HALE program. Kayon’s research focuses on DEI, and anti-black racism in higher education. Her current work examines the intersection of race and immigration status. Prior to MSU, Kayon worked eight years as an administrator in student affairs, including serving as Associate Director of Career Planning and Employer and Graduate Relations at the College of Wooster. 

Please register at the link below to attend and we will send you slides and other related materials.  

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