Writing Proposals for International Dissertation Research Grants

Saturday, October 19, 2019 - 5:00pm to 7:30pm
Berkey Hall 457

*Special Workshop for applicants for SSRC, Title VI DDRA,  and other Nov and later deadlines in 2019-2020*

Open to all MSU graduate students (US and foreign) planning proposals for funding dissertation or pre-dissertation research abroad for deadlines in 2019 or 2020 - especially the IIE Fulbright, Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Abroad, NSF, SSRC, Ford Minority Fellowships, and MSU and other grantors.

Workshops are open to all MSU students gratis - no preregistration. They are a substitute for the International Social Science Research Seminar normally offered each fall semester.

Free at the workshop:

  • Funding Catalog for Graduate Student  International Research
  • Handout: "Secrets of Writing Winning Proposals"
  • Advice from MSU grad students who have won awards
  • Faculty advice on writing proposals for 2019-2020 deadlines for national & MSU grants
  • Lectures – “Developing proposals for the dissertation or pre-dissertation grants”

Workshop Agenda

  • Finding sources of funding for dissertation and pre-dissertation
  • research using MSU Library resources and new MSU online list.
  • Proposal strategies: Understanding the proposal process in national competitions and maximizing your chances for success
  • “What makes a winning proposal?: Comments by MSU faculty reviewers who served on national reviewing panels
  • Panel of successful MSU students: “How I developed a successful proposal”
  • Steps in planning and writing a successful proposal – with summary handouts

For more information: Prof. David Wiley at (wiley@msu.edu) (517-332-0333) or Prof. Roger Bresnahan (bresnaha@msu.edu)(517-974-9640)
