Virtual Lunch and Learn & Best Practices in Teaching

Wednesday, May 26, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Recognizing Mental Health Challenges in Students: Using Kognito as a Tool to Start the Conversation

GTA TCL Lunch and Learn

Addressing mental health is very important for our own well-being. It is also helpful to learn how to acknowledge and recognize students’ mental health challenges to navigate college success and overall personal wellness. For this purpose, we are going to discuss how to use Kognito as a tool to start the conversations about mental health and resources on campus.

Together, we will explore Kognito, an online conversation simulation MSU has adopted. We recommend that you complete the simulation before the session which takes about 40 minutes. Simulation completion is not necessary to join the conversation though. We hope to see many of you there!

  • Go to
  • Create a New Account
  • Use Enrollment Key: msuemployee
  • Follow the on-screen instructions
  • Choose your simulation and click “LAUNCH”


Please Register Here and attend and we will send you slides and other related materials.  

Facilitated by the GTA Teaching & Learning Community

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Meeting ID: 732 599 810
Passcode: GTAsTeach