Turning a Lecture Hall into a Classroom: Best Practices for Engaging Students in Large Enrollment Classes

Wednesday, October 6, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

In bi-weekly Virtual Lunch and Learn & Best Practices in Teaching gatherings Graduate Teaching Assistants share their knowledge about teaching, teaching and technology tools as well as discuss research of teaching, book chapters relevant to work in an instructional setting. Anyone interested in these topics can join these meetings.

Session Description: We will share the format we have developed to convert our lecture halls into active classrooms, both online and in-person. Our goal is to provide more opportunities for students to practice applying the concepts they are learning and get feedback on their work during each class meeting. We use a variety of technologies to reach this goal, and a very well organized D2L site. We will share all of this and provide a snapshot of a "week in the life" of our students.

Facilitator Bio:

Dr. Kirstin Parkin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics. She is also a (Future Academic Scholars in Teaching) FAST Steering Committee member, FAST Mentor, and a passionate instructor.

Join Zoom Meeting 
Meeting ID: 732 599 810 
Passcode: GTAsTeach