Teach Students How to Learn

Wednesday, February 9, 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

In bi-weekly Virtual Lunch and Learn & Best Practices in Teaching gatherings Graduate Teaching Assistants share their knowledge about teaching, teaching and technology tools as well as discuss research of teaching, book chapters relevant to work in an instructional setting. Anyone interested in these topics can join these meetings.

(11:45 am: Check- in and Community Connect)  

Teaching Students How to Learn 

This talk is based on a book "Teach students how to learn" by McGuire and McGuire (2015). The book explains how we can teach our students to become better learners, such that they become very comfortable with the material, and this would improve their grades as well. The book summarizes the strategies good learners follow; it also points out why people are not able to develop interest towards the material. In this talk, Arya Gupta will discuss those strategies (both for teachers (to incorporate while teaching) and students (to use as learners)), along with the research findings of the effectiveness of those strategies. Some of the other research findings discussed are outside of the book but can be easily found.  

 Presenter Bio: 

Arya Gupta is a doctoral student with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Michigan State University. His current research interests include Distributed Systems, Graph Theory, Theoretical Computer Science. He loves teaching Mathematics and Computer Science. With prior service for teaching assignments (as a TA) for three years, he has been serving as a GTA with CSE for more than one year at MSU (4 semesters). Arya is also a GTA Program Advisory Group Member.   

Please register below to attend and we will send Zoom information, slides, and other relevant materials.  

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Passcode: GTAsTeach