STAF is a four-day learning community, May 15-18 2023 , focused on incorporating effective and equitable writing pedagogy across the disciplines open to any MSU educator.
As a learning community, STAF will provide tangible, effective support for instructors who teach with writing and will provide you with the theories and practices for implementing meaningful writing pedagogy in your classes. In particular, STAF cohort members will work on a mentored teaching with writing project– a specific course or assignment that will be workshopped and revised for a future semester.
Facilitators from various MSU colleges will share research and practice for engaging in effective writing pedagogy across the disciplines. Topics will include designing effective assignments, providing actionable feedback, backward design of larger projects, and accessible and equitable approaches to teaching with writing.
This opportunity is open to any MSU educator– graduate student, faculty, and staff interested in effective and equitable ways to teach with writing across the disciplines at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.