Small Changes, BIG Difference Makers: Strategies That Inspire Educators and Student Success

Wednesday, September 8, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Session Description: Google ‘student success’ and you’ll get over 1,500,000,000 results. To say student success is a hot topic and central to our work as educators is an understatement. Google ‘faculty success’ and you’ll get one billion less results. Some, however, would argue that higher education cannot increase student success without focusing on faculty success, including equitable, engaged, active learning strategies that are successful for students and instructors. In other words, we need to focus on instructor and student success together. During this session you will have an opportunity to learn about strategies, resources, tools [including those suggested by students and some created by instructors] that GTAs can easily, and with minimal time, integrate into their teaching practices. In addition to learning about small changes you can make that have the potential to powerfully impact student learning and instructor success, you will be invited to share what you need as a GTA to support your teaching to help ensure your success along with your students’ success.  

 Facilitated by Mary Beth Heeder, Sr. Consultant and Project Manager for Student Learning and Success, Office of the Associate Provost of Undergraduate Education 

 Facilitator Bio: 

 All of the roles Mary Beth has held during her 39 years working at MSU are linked to her passion to help all students be successful as they navigate the exciting but often overwhelming college experience. Her current work in the Office of the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education focuses on faculty and student success, educator professional development, and strategic process improvement. In addition to her student success work, Mary Beth enjoys teaching; she has taught First Year Writing for the Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures Department. 

 Please Register Here and attend and we will send you slides and other related materials.  

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Meeting ID: 732 599 810 
Passcode: GTAsTeach