Nomination Deadline for Graduate Student Award for Community Engagement Scholarship

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Wednesday, January 27, 2021 - 12:00am to 11:55pm

Graduate Student Award for Community Engagement Scholarship

This year the Office of the Associate Provost for University Outreach and Engagement is introducing a new recognition program aimed at honoring the work of graduate students who distinguish themselves through scholarly community engagement.

The MSU Graduate Student Award for Community Engagement Scholarship will be conferred upon one graduate or graduate professional student each year for outstanding community-engaged scholarship.

Recipients will be recognized at the annual Michigan State University Outreach and Engagement Awards Ceremony and receive a stipend of $500.

Nominations may be initiated by students, faculty, administrators, or community partners, and self-nominations are welcome. Nomination Deadline is January 27, 2021.

For details about this recognition program and a link to the online nomination form, see the call for nominations at:
