Navigating the PhD Workshop (Session 1)

Friday, October 15, 2021 - 9:00am to 12:00pm

This interactive online writing workshop is designed to help you develop an individualized plan for graduate writing, especially comprehensive exams, dissertation proposals, and dissertations. Session 1 is generally designed for students in the early years of their PhD study.

In this 3-hour workshop, plans for time management and working with others, especially during these unprecedented times in higher education, will be the main focus. Participants will create academic timelines for their PhD work at MSU and discuss technologies and habits that can help them stay on task. Participants will also discuss how to manage the stress that often pervades the life of PhD students and how that stress might be particularly amplified during this year considering that we are collectively working through the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing racial and systematic injustice and police violence against the Black community.

Facilitators will help guide these discussions and share resources and strategies for overcoming writer's block and procrastination and adopting and maintaining productive practices to consider how to balance time management and prioritizing academic goals.

Additionally, discussion about selecting and working with committees will provide a space for sharing about and learning how to communicate with faculty members about research and writing.

A Zoom link will be shared with registrants prior to the date of the workshop.