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The Graduate School
Faculty/Staff Resources
Programs of Study
Browse the list of MSU Colleges, Departments, and Programs
Graduate Degree List
Graduate degrees offered by Michigan State University
Research Integrity
Guidelines that recognize the rights and responsibilities of researchers
Online Programs
Find all relevant pre-application information for all of MSU’s online and hybrid degree and certificate programs
Graduate Specializations
A subdivision of a major for specialized study which is indicated after the major on official transcripts
Graduate Certificates
Non-degree-granting programs to expand student knowledge and understanding about a key topic
Interdisciplinary Graduate Study
Curricular and co-curricular opportunities for advanced study that crosses disciplinary boundaries
Theses and Dissertations
Doctoral and Plan A document submission process
Policies and Procedures
important documents relating to graduate students, mentoring, research, and teaching
Academic Programs Catalog
Listing of academic programs, policies and related information
Traveling Scholar
Doctoral students pursue studies at other BTAA institutions
Apply Now
Graduate Departments review applicants based on their criteria and recommends admission to the Office of Admissions
International Applicants
Application information specific to international students
PhD Public Data
Ph.D. Program Admissions, Enrollments, Completions, Time to Degree, and Placement Data
Costs of Graduate School
Tools to estimate costs involved with graduate education
Recruitment Awards
Opportunities for departments to utilize recruitment funding
When enrollment is interrupted for three or more consecutive terms
More than 3,000 assistantships are available to qualified graduate students
Financial support to pursue graduate studies
Research Support
Find funding for your research
Travel Funding
Find funding to travel and present your research
External Funding
Find funding outside of MSU sources
Professional Development
Find opportunities provided by The Graduate School and others