Navigating & Negotiating Your First Academic Position

Wednesday, May 17, 2023 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm

Presenter: Dr. Melissa Yzaguirre  

Navigating the job market for academic positions is a complex process, from searching for positions to negotiating job offers. This session will provide insight into the multi-step process of applying for different academic positions (e.g., post-doc, R1, R2) and offer a how-to guide for navigating each step. Students will be walked through the process of preparing application materials, effectively reading job calls, submitting application materials, preparing for job interviews, and negotiating job offers.

Learning Objectives:

  • To explore and identify proactive strategies to approach the job market with preparation and confidence.
  • To understand what search committees are looking for in candidates and how to effectively prepare for job interviews.
  • To offer tips and encourage students to advocate for themselves in the negotiation stage of the job market.