Navigating the Master’s Degree Workshop

Friday, January 24, 2020 - 9:00am to Saturday, January 25, 2020 - 12:55pm
The Writing Center (300 Ernst Bessey Hall, 434 Farm Ln)

This interactive writing workshop is designed to help students develop an individualized plan for understanding graduate school more generally and graduate writing more specifically. This workshop is designed for students in both the early and latter years of their master’s degree study.

In this 4-hour workshop, the focus will be on understanding the transition to graduate school, navigating master’s degree coursework and graduation options (thesis, exams, portfolios, etc.), locating and using professional and personal support resources, and writing for the degree and future job. Participants will create academic timelines for their master’s work (coursework, conference presentations, internships, etc.) at MSU and discuss technologies and habits that can help them stay on task. Participants will also discuss how to manage the stress that often pervades the life of master’s students and how to select and work with committee. We will end the workshop by having participants explore and share their current writing practices, and writing and revision strategies, as well as sharing strategies for overcoming writer's block and procrastination.