Lunch with the Dean

Thursday, October 17, 2024 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Chittenden Hall Room 110

Lunch with the Dean:
During the academic year, the Dean of the Graduate School, Pero Dagbovie, invites graduate students to join him and his graduate school colleagues for lunch and conversation in Chittenden Hall along the beautiful and historic Laboratory Row.

About the Event:
This unique opportunity allows Graduate Students the chance to connect with The Graduate School leadership and staff in a relaxed and informal lunch setting. Connect about career and school journeys, gain understanding of The Graduate School programs that empower graduate student success and engage in candid discussions about university and student life.

Why Attend?
- Share experiences in a safe space.
- Learn more about what the Graduate School offers, such as professional development & educational wellbeing opportunities.
- Enjoy a delicious meal and great conversation with new people!

Registration for these lunches is required. If the registration link is no longer available, either the workshop is full, or the registration period has ended.

Fall 2024 Dates, all lunches will take place in-person in Chittenden Hall room 110 from 12:00-1:00pm: 

  • Tuesday, September 10th
  • Thursday, October 17th
  • Monday November 11th
  • Wednesday, December 4th