Feedback on Instruction and Student Perceptions of Learning Survey

Thursday, January 4, 2024 - 10:00am to 11:30am

MSU has adopted a new instructional feedback system – the Student Perceptions of Learning Survey (SPLS) last summer. If you are in an instructional role at MSU you receive SPLS scores at the end of the semester. In this session we will share about the SPLS and information about the implementation considerations, prepare you for what to expect and discuss what the scores mean for you. Furthermore, we will discuss the importance of collecting feedback on instruction at an ongoing basis and the benefits of doing so.

FacilitatorsStefanie Baier, Graduate Teaching Office, Nate Clason, Faculty/Academic Staff Development, Arya Gupta, GTA and PhD Candidate, College of Engineering

A Zoom link will be sent the day before the session.