Thinking about new writing and publishing goals in 2022? Feeling a bit stretched thin with your responsibilities and commitments to others? This writing retreat is especially for those who need protected time and space away from campus and other responsibilities to dedicate to academic writing. Pierce Cedar Creek Institute offers private guest rooms and spacious indoor writing spaces with natural scenery for inspiration to write about community-engaged research, community partnerships, broader impacts work, service-learning, and other writing that supports engagement with partners beyond campus borders.
This two-day, residential retreat includes both unstructured writing time and optional structured writing support, including workshops, consultations, and peer feedback. Consultants from The Writing Center and University Outreach and Engagement will be available to provide feedback both days and will build connections among the writers throughout the retreat, so that even while writing on your own, you are part of a supportive community.
Last fall’s writers worked on literature reviews, grant proposals, journal revise and resubmits, journal articles, white papers, book manuscripts, community-engagement curriculum, and pieces for community partners. The 2021 writers said they appreciated: “getting away from everything to just write,” “talking with others about their ideas and project,” “feeling less alone while writing,” and “beautiful scenery, great food, supportive colleagues.” Join us for another great writing retreat in spring 2022.
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